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RE: [T3] Valve stem seals ?

On 6 May 2006 at 8:14, Russ Wolfe wrote:

> As they are positioned in the head in relation to the oil supply. And,
> they are further canted at an upward angle decreasing further, the
> chance for oil to get into the guides.

I always get confused about this, so I had to go find a picture of a 
head to verify that you were right: Oil has to flow uphill along the 
valve stem in order to get into the valve guide. Nevertheless, I 
still think it's likely that the "seals" are there to limit the 
amount of oil which gets carried "uphill" into the valve guide by the 
motion of the valve.  

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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