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Re: [T3] Timing

<x-flowed>>Do you have a Bentley manual?

Yes, I have a Bentley, but it doesn't mention the little "finger".

Are you re-timing after changing the dwell?

Yes, thank you. The dwell/timing is a one-way relationship. Dwell changes timing, but timing does not change dwell.

From: Greg Merritt <gregm@vwtype3.org>
Reply-To: type3@vwtype3.org
To: type3@vwtype3.org
Subject: Re: [T3] Timing
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 06:48:21 -0700


Use that little... finger? sticking out rearward from the cast *fan* housing. It has a vertical flat on the right side; this is the plane you use to line up with the timing mark. (Do you have a Bentley manual?)

Are you re-timing after changing the dwell? If not, then you're advancing the timing when you increase the dwell.


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