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Re: [T3] Car Still Won't Start.

> I'd avoid any kind of shop if possible. How about a friendly co-
> worker (could be done in the parking lot at work) or landlord, or
> girlfriend, or neighborhood kid, or random passer-by? It doesn't take
> any real skill to just turn the key and most people are willing to
> help once they get over the surprise of being asked.
> Just be clear about exactly what you're going to do and what you
> need them to do to help.
> I was once desperate for help bleeding some brakes. I got the 8
> year old kid from next door to help. I think it REALLY made his
> day, and I made a friend forever.  ;-)
> -
My son and daughter learned to help bleed VW brakes when they were about 7
or 8 years old. You would be suprised how willing neighborhood kids are to
help someone fix their car.
I started out as a mechanic when I was about 10, helping the neighbor build
his hot rod.

Russ Wolfe

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