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Re: [T3] More on heat exchangers

On 16 Feb 2005 at 15:23, James Montebello wrote:

> My new-to-me '69 Square has a header and only the "big" HEs.  These HEs
> have some "stuff" zip tied to the outside that looks like an attempt at
> insulation. The Bentley manual doesn't show this, and I wonder if this
> is just some aftermarket fitting or just a year to year change.  It
> looks awful on mine, and is coming apart.  I doubt the HEs look all
> that good under it, either. 

They came with insulation on them from the factory up until '73. That's 
probably what you're seeing. They actually work pretty well to keep the heat 
inside, plus they eventually get somewhat wet with oil and help keep the HEs 
from rusting. The HEs tend to rust out at the front end, however, where there 
is no insulation.

There was originally a metal "skid plate" at each lower front corner, and a 
metal strip along the bottom. These were held in place by 4 metal straps, which 
have probably been replaced by cable ties after the straps rusted away. The 
original straps have a special kind of "buckle" which can be reused if you have 
some kind of metal strip to replace the strap with. I have a number of 
stainless and titanium (!) straps that I cut from scrap from my previous job, 
but i don't have any spares of the special buckles. 

You could probably just use ordinary 3/8" wide hose clamps, but they would have 
to be long ones.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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