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Re: [T3] Newbie with question on stock FI

On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 12:32, Keith Park wrote:
> Maybe Russ can give us some tell tale signs that a case has never been
> apart...  or that cylinders have never been off.
Look at the main bearing nuts. If they are the original nuts and
washers, and not the sealing style, it is a good chance that the case
has never been split. Also, the washers have a flat side, and a rounded
edge side. If all of the main washer should have the flat side to the
If the heads have been off, then the location of some of the screws clue
will have been destroyed. VW put certain type screws in certain places,
and most shops aren't picky about where they go back in. Certain bolts
are put in only one way at the factory. 
After 40 years of doing them, you just get a feel for what has been done
to the engine.

Russ Wolfe
'71 FB AT
'66 FB MT
'64 T34 (not running)
'65 T1 (not running)

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