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Re: [T3] Timing and dwell

On 5 May 2002, at 18:23, Daniel Baum wrote:

> Anyway, my question is this: why does the dwell change as I change the
> timing? I was under the impression that only changing the points gap changes the
> dwell but the meter originally showed 47.8, then over 50 at 0 degrees, and now
> 49.1 at 10 degrees.

Changing the timing should not change the dwell, as long as the only thing 
you're doing is just twisting the dist body in the case. If this is what you're 
doing, then you are probably just seeing some other effect. You may want to 
clean off the dist cam and the rubbing block and then grease the cam lightly.

> Also, is there any empirical way to find the right timing? Actually, is
> there a "right" timing or is it a matter of experimentation to get the
> engine running smoothly? It doesn't help, I suppose that I don't know
> whether I have a stock '69 engine, distributor, etc.

One way to do this is to set it so that the max advance is about 30 deg 

Lots can depend on the distributor. Does it have both vacuum and 
mechanical advance? If so the breaker plate may be worn and this will make 
the dwell unstable. It may also be that things just need to be cleaned and 
freed up, then lubricated. Is there a felt plug in the top of the dist shaft. If so, 
you have mech advance and you should put a couple of drops of oil in that 

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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