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Re: [T3] Little rubber bits

On 30 Jan 2001, at 0:39, Dave Hall wrote:

> > I've seen those gaskets, too, in black plastic, but I don't think
> > they were OE, at least on type 3s.
> It's part no. 311 857 543.  It's in the parts list Illustration A48, though
> the shape doesn't really do it justice.  They have a deep seating for the
> shoulder to seal, whereas the Beetle ones just fit around the shaft.

Okay, the gauntlet is DOWN! ... ;-)  

First I verify the part #. I come up with the same number, same 
illustration, different illustration #. I wonder again why they 
changed the illustration #s when they went to microfilm. I agree that 
the drawing doesn't prove anything.  

I traipse down to the dungeon, grab the box labelled "800" and start 
going thru parts. Good time to separate the parts from the mouse 
droppings, but that's another story. Way way down in there, I find a 
bag of mirror gaskets. There's 1 of your black "half grommet" gaskets 
in there, but there are 4 of the translucent white ones. The bag is 
the bag they were put in at the distributor with the original label 
on it with the correct part #, marked quantity 10.  

I'm pretty sure that I have never bought any of the black kind. I 
think this one just came with a cheap mirror that I got elsewhere; I 
don't even know if it is a VW part. Since there are 4 of the flat 
washers, I'm convinced that they were the ones that came in the bag, 
but none of them have any real markings on them.  

> You can't use a Beetle one on a Type 3 as it doesn't seal, and you
> can't use a Type 3 one on a Beetle because the Beetle mirror
> recesses much further in the hole - hence the plane ring shape of
> that one.  It also has less of a shoulder - narrower looking thing
> altogether. 

While I can't really prove anything about which washer is the REAL 
right washer, I CAN say that the flat ones fit and work in type 3s 
just fine. My only complaint is that they crumble into dust in about 
8 years, so I wish they were made of a better material.  

The black one that I have doesn't have much material that catches 
under the flange of the mirror retaining nut. It looks to me like it 
would tend to extrude out quite easily if you tightened it down well. 
But then again I really don't think the one I have is even a VW part. 
> My '74 Type 2 has a white nylon washer, but 'our' Type 3s had the
> 'proper' one.  If dealers usually supplied the mirrors maybe they
> didn't bother to order the proper seals, particularly if they are
> not foolproof to fit? 

>From here, I would say that if there were a mix-up, it went as high 
as VWoA, since I'm pretty sure I've bought these in various parts of 
the country, but perhaps only in quantity in a distributor marked bag 
on this occasion. I THINK I recall seeing both kinds hanging on the 
hooks behind the parts counter, though, so I believe the people there 
were giving me the part they thought was right. I know my 68 came 
with the flat washers when I picked it up new at the dealer.

> So these join the intermittent wipers which were "never fitted to
> Type 3s", and the "bleeding fronts first must be wrong because my
> Bentley is in the cellar 3 floors down and I don't recall reading
> that".  /<rantmode off> ;-) 

I gotta give you this one. Even though I knew that we had been all 
thru this one I thought we decided that it was just something you 
could do by adding a few Rabbit/Golf parts. Wasn't it Perl who has 
made this modification?   

Instead I found this in the M number list:  

      F 312 2000 000--                                  311-318,

I can't find any parts for this, however. I would have thought it 
would require a different switch, but there is no M 652 anywhere in 
the wiper switch section. I don't know where to look for the relay; 
do you have a part #?   

As for brake bleeding, I find that with the tandem system it really   
doesn't matter much. What do you find?  ;-)

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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