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> I've seen those gaskets, too, in black plastic, but I don't think > they were OE, at least on type 3s. It's part no. 311 857 543. It's in the parts list Illustration A48, though the shape doesn't really do it justice. They have a deep seating for the shoulder to seal, whereas the Beetle ones just fit around the shaft. You have to be careful you don't squeeze the rubber washer part out of the joint when you tighten. They're quite hard to find, and not the same as the Beetle ones which are really a ring with no centre flange. They turn up much more often, in fact I've 4 NOS of the T1 version along with about 8 NOS black blanking plugs for the door mirror holes. You can't use a Beetle one on a Type 3 as it doesn't seal, and you can't use a Type 3 one on a Beetle because the Beetle mirror recesses much further in the hole - hence the plane ring shape of that one. It also has less of a shoulder - narrower looking thing altogether. My '74 Type 2 has a white nylon washer, but 'our' Type 3s had the 'proper' one. If dealers usually supplied the mirrors maybe they didn't bother to order the proper seals, particularly if they are not foolproof to fit? So these join the intermittent wipers which were "never fitted to Type 3s", and the "bleeding fronts first must be wrong because my Bentley is in the cellar 3 floors down and I don't recall reading that". /<rantmode off> ;-) Dave. UK VW Type 3 & 4 Club http://www.hallvw.clara.co.uk/ ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Too much? Digest! mailto:type3-d-request@vwtype3.org Subj=subscribe