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Re: [T3] Steering Wheel problem

On 26 Jan 2001, at 16:31, Dave Campen wrote:

> Use a small screwdriver or knife to pry out the centre badge from the wheel.
> You should then be able to get your 27mm socket on the nut. If your socket
> has very thick walls, you may need to remove the horn wire or even the horn
> bar itself (3 small screws; don't lose the springs underneath the bar!) It's
> not a bad idea to mark the centre of the wheel and the column so it goes
> back in the same place.

Also! Don't lose the external star lock washers that are under the 
screws that hold down the horn bar/ring. If any of these are missing 
the spacing between the electrical contacts will be wrong and the 
horn will want to sound all the time.  8-0

Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711-3054

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