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Dave - A word of caution (for those that are considering the flip down rear seat for a pass-thru to the trunk, too) The rear shelf and the rearseat strainer (the automotive term for the body panel behind the rear seat back) add siginificantly to the torsional stiffness of the body. On my 71 Fasty the rearseat strainer consisted of a couple of stamped steel panels that formed a "V" in the opening behind the seat. It may not be as significant with our hybrid (body and pan/frame) body construction as on a true uni-body car, but just be aware that you might be compromising the body structure some. Later, John (that pesky Ford engineer) Jaranson '71 FI Auto Fasty (Jane) http://hometown.aol.com/jaransonT3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Too much? Digest! mailto:type3-d-request@vwtype3.org Subj=subscribe