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Since there are no more inputs, then it is settled: 13th of January 2000 In And Out burgers in Clairmont, right off 163 on Balboa avenue at 6:00 pm, will be our first VWTYPE 3 MEET IN SAN DIEGO. It is not supposed to rain this Saturday, it really poured bad today. Hope to see you there, all of you. EVERY ONE KNOWS HOW TO GET TO THE IN AND OUT BURGER ON BALBOA BLVD RIGHT OFF HWY 163????? ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM ON WHERE THIS IS AT???? Like I said , other meets can be at other locations and the daytime too. So keep your suggestions for the future. Beach and Park are still VERY cool for better weather. YOU DO NOT NEED A WORKING CAR TO MEET OR AN E-MAIL ADDRESS SO LET UN E-MAIL OR UNCAR'D TYPE GUYS KNOW TOO; Places that were previous suggested: ******* IN AND OUT BURGER JOINT (IN CLAIREMONT) won out!************** - BALBOA PARK (DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO) - PRESIDIO PARK (CORNER OFHWY8 AND HWY 5) - CORVETTE DINER (DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO) - GORDENBIRSCH (MISSION VALLEY (NEXT TO HWY 8)) - MT SOLEDAD (LA JOLLA) - BBQ AT FIESTA ISLAND (SAN DIEGO BEACHES) people so far now: LEON MARTINEZ SAN DIEGO/TIJUANA martinezl@ftscpac.navy.mil OSCAR SAN DIEGO superior7@home.com JASON POWAY notchboy@home.com JACK IMPERIAL BEACH proformance2@home.com RON LAKESIDE RON61769@aol.com MATT SMALL ORANGE COUNTY msmall@ocvv.org CHUCK OCEANSIDE Chazpix@aol.com ERNIE CHULA VISTA es65notch@yahoo.com (WILL NOT MAKE IT THIS TIME) SAW LAKESIDE sawspatch@Hotmail.com BOB LAKESIDE Grbrowm@aol.com BUTCH CHULA VISTA ? Vw6851072@aol.com (WILL NOT MAKE IT THIS TIME) JAY WALLACE ??????????? jaysvws@yahoo.com (WILL NOT MAKE IT THIS TIME) SECRET DUDE ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? LISA E. MITCHELL ???????????????? BUFFBAUD@aol.com (MAY OR MAY NOT GO) ANY MORE GUYS/GALS TO ADD? LEON MARTINEZ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitch in! Send your pledge of support! mailto:support@vwtype3.org