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Re: [T3] Paint...

Just take the paint number into the auto paint store and ask for a can
to be made up of that color.   They can make up aerosols spray paint
in that color.  I've had this done for other vehicles, but since I've
gotten a full spray outfit, I haven't had to do it again.  The cost
was about $10 for a 10 oz. can.  You might get a fairly close match
with the over-the -counter stuff, but usually the parts places don't
carry much that's for cars over a couple of years old.  Don't try to
use hardware store enamel, it just won't last.

You'll need to do the whole prep and prime bit, unless you like rust
bubbling through the paint.  Also, some colors(like mine) had white
underneath, no way can you get things to match unless you do likewise.
If you haven't done this before, make a trip to the library, lots of
books on car painting and touchup.

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