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Re: [T3] Head exhaust studs

Justin wrote:

> Well, while removing the header from the #3 cylinder, it happened.  That
> feeling of too much resistance and not enough motion of the nut.  Yep,
> you guessed - sheared the stud right off.  I'm hoping it is possible to
> drill this out and replace it w/o having to replace the head.  Yes / no?

Hi Justin!

Yes, it is possible to remove the remains of the stud, and from my
experiences,it is quite cheaper to remove it than replace the head. If you
are not capable of doing it your self, any machine BÚ"Vuld be able to do
it for you. Just be sure to remind them that the head is of aluminium, not
steel. If the threads become damaged, have steel threads installed.

'73 square
'68 bug
'88 Vanagon Syncro

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