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Re: [T3] This is cool!

Steven Ayres wrote:

> ToddD=> I haven't compared the weight of the type3 engine Vs. type 4
>      => engine ... there does not see°Äall that much difference...
> Having lifted both types, fully assembled, on and off stands within the
> last year I can say with some authority that there's a big difference. A
> T3 is a grunt for two guys; a T4 is the same and then some with *four*
> guys.

You had four guys ??  lucky you... It was only me and a friend :-)  I
realize fully assembled *with* heater boxes and muffler the engine is
heavier than a type ....  but A LOT of the weight actually if from the
heater boxes ( lots of aluminum and cast iron in them suckers....... ) if
these are replaced with type 4 car heater boxes (pre heaters)  the weight
would decrease considerably..... I have compared the weight of the two...
and if the tin is cut off of the type 4 car heater boxes the remaining
exhaust is basically a header ( all round pipes leading to the trapezoid
flanges )   and the bus muffler is not all that much larger than a type 3

Todd Daley
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