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RE: [T3] Cooling conundrums

On 2 Sep 98, at 10:45, Erkson, Toby wrote:

> This only works on the water-cooled engines.  They get their cabin heat
> from a heat exchanger like us but instead of using exhaust heat (like our
> cars) it uses the water from the cooling system.  So, for the water-cooled
> cars, it's like two radiators are functioning when they turn on the cabin
> heater and thus reduces engine temps.

Exactly right.

> For us, if you "turn on" the cabin heat you are taking some air that would
> normally flow over the engine and allowing it to go through the heat
> exchanger and into the cabin.  The fan housing diverts air over the engine
> and into the heat exchangers.  When the exchangers are closed (no heat to
> the cabin) all of the cooling air goes over the engine.  Pretty damn
> clever, dontchathink? For us, in a hot engine situation, you DEFINITELY
> want to keep the cabin heat OFF so all air will flow over the engine!

The bypass opening you pointed out allows about the same amount of 
air to flow through the heat exchanger under all conditions, so I 
think there is little to be gained by this.  If you block off the air 
bypass opening then I would not be surprised if the inside of the 
heat exchanger could get hot enough to melt the cast aluminum fins.

If you want to try this I think you would be wise to try J-tubes and 
sell or preserve the valuable heat exchangers.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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