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Re: removing '69 rear-view mirror

	I removed a rear view mirror from a '69 SB by wrapping my fingers
around the back of the mirror (fingers & palm of hand around mirror, with
back of hand facing windshield) & pulling straight back towards me &
slightly upwards towards the head liner. It came out without any trouble,
a minimum of pulling. Might yours be a little rusted? It is just a
triangular shaped clip that fits in the hole like the letter A. I don't
know if this is a good example.
Hope this helps.
'68 FB (Thumper)
'70 Bug

On Fri, 8 May 1998 05:23:15 -0400 (EDT) Greg Merritt <gregm@vwtype3.org>
>	Which way do I twist/turn/pull to remove the rear-view mirror 
>on my
>'69?  I've tried to pop it out with moderately excessive force by 
>(as works in my friend's '74 Beetle) and by sliding up, but no dice--I
>don't want to break it!  If I were certain of the motion required, I 
>use more force.
>	(I need to remove it to fuss with some monkey business where 
>mirror itself attaches to the mounting post.)
>'69 & '71 Squarebacks
>'63 Beetle

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