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Re: Squareback starting problem

>From: Sean Bartnik <sbart7kb@www.mwc.edu>

>Melissa & Jim wrote:
> hearing bubbling from the gas tank, then pump the gas pedal a few
>> times to give the injectors a chance to clear any air out of them.
>> Jim
>What does pumping the gas pedal have to do with the injectors?
>Pumping the gas pedal only opens and closes the throttle valve, which
>lets air into the intake air system.  

On 70-73 FI T3s the throttle switch has extra contacts which cause the 
computer to pulse extra fuel on each contact closure.  On these cars if you 
just turn the key on (don't start) and then go to the engine and move the 
throttle, you can hear the injectors do multiple pulses with each depression 
of the throttle.  If there is air in the lines/injectors, this will help 
clear it out.

68-9 cars do as you say, and there is no point in working the throttle on these.

       Melissa Kepner                                    Jim Adney
       jadney@vwtype3.org              jadney@vwtype3.org
                             Laura Kepner-Adney
                             Madison, Wisconsin

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