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Re: [T3] shift rod

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On 17 Feb 2002, at 17:39, ONealwedge@aol.com wrote:

> Does the bushing go in the bracket underneath that guides the shift rod? 
> before it? the shift rod only has the slightest of bends in it. Could my 
> shift coupler being all bent have something to do with it? My shifter it self
> does have the pin in it. I do have the bentley manual and am rechecking my
> install. the groove i was refering to is in the shift rod where the shifter goes
> into it.kind of a half moon on the drivers sidecut in maybe a 1/4 " at most.it
> looks like it is supposed to be there.

The bushing must slip into the hole in the bracket that pilots the rod. Since 
I'm not looking over your shoulder, you have to decide how badly your parts 
are bent and whether this might affect the shifting.

I don't know what the groove you refer to does. Maybe someone else on this 
list recognizes it.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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