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Re: [T3] Invasion parts wanted:

<x-flowed>On Jul 19, 2006, at 5:23 AM, Park, Keith J ((GE, Research)) wrote:
One more thing before i leave, If anybody has the following stuff for my T4 conversion Id be interested:
1) Bus lower cylinder tin, L&R
2)Bus front breast plate tin
5) 2L Bus Intake air distributor

For the sake of clarification, which Bus lower cylinder tins? There were different versions depending on
what heaterboxes are used; '72-'74 (plus '79 Federal), '75-'78, and '79 California. There were also two
or three different breastplate tins (FI vs. carbs) but I suspect you want the FI piece.

I don't have any of the tin, but I'm going "yarding" today and can keep an eye out. I've got an IAD in the
garage, but the throttlebody is seized .. though fortunately it unbolts. :D

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