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Re: [T3] Speed and engine temp

Good point.
The engine doenst seem to be running any hotter at a given set of conditions
and outside temp.  I pulled the car and boat home fully loaded on a hot day
this summer and she still stayed below 200F, so I think temp is OK in this

I do notice with this oil and the conventional oil that as it gets used more
it gets thicker and the pressure goes up, especially when the outside temp
is merely warm or less.


> That's why you need to assess the effect the thicker oil has on the engine
> temperature before deciding whether the 2 or 3 psi gain in oil pressure by
> it is still there at (maybe) a higher operating temperature.   You've the
> to let you make an informed decision on that - I'm going on some
> Bob Hoover made some years ago now, so they weren't on our type of VW, but
> gist was that thicker oil heats up more as the rate at which it flows
> the oil cooler is reduced.
> Dave.
> UK VW Type 3 & 4 Club
> http://www.hallvw.clara.co.uk/
> ------
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Keith Park" <topnotch@nycap.rr.com>
> To: <type3@vwtype3.org>
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 2:40 AM
> Subject: [T3] Speed and engine temp
> > With recent talk of speed and wind resistance I did a test.... on the
> > to PA I travelled at about 68 for a while, then when I got to a
> > zone I dropped it to about 58 or 60, ran 20 degrees cooler and gained
> > of oil pressure!
> > So it does indeed make a difference, and it took a few miles to warm
back up
> > and lower the oil pressure when I returned to 68 but it did.
> >
> >
> > Keith
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