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Re: [T3] Pulling 1600 - was Newbie with ques

On 15 Feb 2005 at 16:10, Aaron Clow wrote:

> How easy are the auto transmission mounts to 
> break? Last time I used a coathanger (suggested by Russ) to hold the 
> back of the transmission up. Is that all I need to do or does it need 
> more steadying than that to make sure the mount doesn't break?

I really don't know how easy they are to break. And they are so hard to find 
that I don't want to find out....

All it needs is something, anything, that will support the weight at the rear. 
I had forgotten Russ's suggestion, but it sounds really easy and convenient. 
Too bad it won't work on the MTs.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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