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Re: [T3] years for shoulder belt seatbelts.

<x-flowed>The car was built in March '65, but I don't know the pickup date. The original dealer folder came with the car which included a brochure about the tourist delivery program and a list of the cars available in the US, which included the "Squareback Sedan". Also, I've seen a '65 VWoA tourist delivery Squareback sales brochure for sale (should have bought it but didn't). It was printed in the US and featured a '65 model Square in the photos, and gave all the details of the program.

62 343

On Wednesday, September 15, 2004, at 08:59  AM, Jim Adney wrote:

On 14 Sep 2004 at 22:14, Scott Taylor wrote:

My former '65 Squareback was built to US spec for tourist delivery and
it had floorpan seatbelt anchor points. I can confirm that they were
factory installed reinforced mounts and not dealer improvised.

Can you recall what time of year it was picked up?

Since tourist delivery had to be arranged thru our local dealers, I'm surprised
to hear that you could get a type 3 under tourist delivery when VWoA wasn't
importing them. Any idea how early this was possible?

Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711-3054

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