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Re [T3] Hrmmm, a New Predicament

Well, for the first part, yes, I am fairly certain
that I had it set for DC voltage, and I did everything
twice just to be sure, with screwy results both times.
the fuse I used was the first red from the right;
ordinarily I would be able to give you a number, but
the book is out in the car and it is pouring with rain
at the moment. Also, yes, it was the test that
involves shorting the DF terminal then measuring D+ to
ground. And I am certain that it was installed
correctly...after reading about that in the bentley
manual, I realized that it had initially been on there
improperly, and made sure to correct that. So,
basically, I am looking at a shot generator. I don't
know if I'll be able to get one locally... But I'll
Thanks all
'71 AT Square, Tyria
'73 Superbeetle, "Toast"

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