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Re: [T3] Altitude driving in a T3

On 25 Feb 2003 at 19:52, Keith Park wrote:

> I could swear that Brass has better thermal conduction properties than Cast
> iron... but I wont argue with a Physicist on that!

I'm not SURE about the thermal conductivity of brass, but I just recently 
learned that its elecrical conductivity is about the same as iron. I was 
surprised, and the electrical and thermal conductivity usually go hand in hand.

> Id love to do as you suggest below... If only I could Tee off somewhere else
> to get the Oil pressure and idot light sensor.  I tried getting to the stock
> bug access hole but that darn tin seam is right in the way.

One could do it with a street tee and a long temp probe that would reach all 
the way thru the run of the tee into the oil cooler. The oil pressure could be 
taken off the branch of the tee. The trick is in finding the right temp sensor 
with the long probe.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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