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On 5 Apr 2002, at 16:42, Bert Van der Jeught wrote: > Here are some questions which are unaswered: > > 1. Is extra flattening of the machined surfaces OK. Both oilfilterbracket > and flowcover. Yes, as long as they are really flat. > 2. Use Loctite 648 fixation OR Prime lok 245 blue threadlocker OR something else > for the NPT fittings? Anything that seals will be fine. I use Loctite Pipe Joint Compound with Teflon. > 3. Mayor problem: I ordered wachers to adapt a 8 mm cover to 6 mm studs. I > thought these were thick wachers (8 mm outside) with an out of center 6 mm hole. > I got some regular washers. > > Use these OR machine some OR fill the hole with RTV silicone? Regular washers are fine. In fact, you probably don't need to do anything. > 4. What to use on the gasket between cover and pump. Oil OR sealer? Nothing is best. > 5. I milled a bushing and pressed this in the outlet of the pump. Forgot to use > Loctite fixation! Used a "pin" through the housing and bushing to keep it in > place. Leaktested this with petrolium. Didn't leak. Will it be leakfree under > high-oil pressure? Or will the oil find the easiest way, lower pressure, against > the outlet? Even if it leaks it wonn't matter. 99% of your oil will still go thru the filter. > 6. I milled down the surface for the inlet at the case. Drilled it and > tapped with NPT. I was wondering how deep the fitting has to be? Does it > have to threated beyond the original oilgallery (the one from the outlet of the > pump to where you make you inlet) or doesn't it matter because this gallery is > plugged anyway (at the pump) OR don't go that far because there is a > splitgallery to oil the front bearing? Don't drill in deeper than you need to for external clearance. In general, I don't remove any material from the face of the boss on the case, but you will have to remove some material from the adjacent boss to allow your fitting to screw in. You should remove material from the fitting so it needs a minimum amount of clearance to go in. > I read in the history some of the members have gone through the installating of > the GB set-up. I've done a number of these. If you are careful to pick the right fittings you DON'T need to remove ANY material from the fan housing. (Assuming this is a type 3.) - Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org Madison, WI 53711-3054 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------- Search old messages on the Web! Visit http://www.vwtype3.org/list/