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Re: [T3] Fuel injection problem continues

On 5 May 2001, at 14:00, Joseph M Evans wrote:

> I Am still having fits with my fi.

What year type 3? Where are you located?

> I just pulled the injectors and the
> distributor and when the contact toints breac contact on the
> distributor on ether side the 1 and 4 injectors spray about 2
> tabelspoons of fuel per side that is about a second and a half of
> spray. Way too much at the wrong times   ---All of the time---. I have
> checked the wires with the schematic I have and all looks well. 

I suspect that your 1 and 4 injectors are stuck open and that what 
you see is the ~1 second that the pump runs when the dist 
"refreshes" the ECU. Disconnect the pump relay under the dash 
(just pull off the plastic plug) and do this test again. There will be 
no spray, but you should be able to hear and feel the injectors click 
in your hand.

Let us know what you find. Tell us what year you have.

What happens when you open the other dist contact? Do 2 & 3 

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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