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Re: [T3] bit of a re-do

Netscape 4.7 seems ok. Don't kill the old logo. I always thought it was cool
and wondered why it wasn't a tee shirt, except the silk screen cost would be
kind of high.
The car on the front, red with white interior, is that a T34 Ghia. Very nice
Site looking goooood.

Greg Merritt wrote:

> Folks,
>         I've started to make the move to using John's logo on the
> VWType3.Org site.  I worked it in to a new front page:
>         http://vwtype3.org/
> I've also tweaked things so that this page will automatically update every
> ten minutes, showing the most recently-available list posts, classifieds,
> and scrapbook entries.
>         I haven't added any error checking (cough, cough) yet... If anybody
> notices that the front page is totally down, please drop me a line
> directly. ;)  I'll also add rotation of the image (right now a T34
> interior) so that there's a little variety.
>         Oh -- I haven't checked the font size on a wide range of browsers,
> browser versions, and operating systems.  If anybody notices browser- or
> OS-specific issues, please let me know.
>         Next move is to add the logo throughout all of the pages.
> Cheers,
> -Greg
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Richard Green
Lost in Texas with
Bluebonnets and Blue Bell Ice Cream

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