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At 12:36 PM 1/26/01 -0800, Greg Banfill wrote: > > > Although some have confused Brazilan Type 3s for Brasilias, there > > > were never any Type 3 and Type 4 or even water-cooled "Brazilias". > > > There was only one Brasilia. > >At the last Pomona Randy Carlson had hid Brasilia there. It looked like a >2 door 411 and had an upright Type I motor in it There was a rather nice SP2 that someone brought out for the Lagoon Island (San Rafael) gathering ... it was showing up just as I was leaving to go to work, so I didn't get a chance to check it out. ah well... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Too much? Digest! mailto:type3-d-request@vwtype3.org Subj=subscribe