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Re: 69 SB Found

>Just remember to take your special fan puller and 1-3/16" socket
>with you!

	This was an automatic, right?  Harder to immobilize the installed
engine so that the fan nut can be turned.  There's a trick from the "don't
try this at home" department... you can crank the engine over with a
battery while you hold the wrench on the fan nut... think
"hand-crank-start-car safety rules" if you try this.  You might also try
something like jamming a really, really, really big screwdriver in the
flywheel teeth via an opening in the AT case -- really big opening, you
can't miss it.

	(Er, if it's a manual, then put it in gear and disregard the above
-- that is, if the clutch is good!)


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