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Re: [T3] Front Sags

On 27 Oct 99, at 2:55, KRAWL@aol.com wrote:

> Hello Everybody     The front of my Square sags pretty bad You can see this 
> just by looking at it  especially the passenger side, I tried to put some new 
> tires on stock wheels on and they rub on the passenger side i dont know whats 
> wrong or how to fix it so any advice would be helpfull  thanks in advance   

There are 2 possibilities that I can think of: Either you have a 
broken or cracked torsion bar on the passenger side, or someone 
tried to lower the front end and didn't manage to do it evenly.

Is the passenger side just trying to sag all the way to the ground? 
It may just be supported by the driver's side.

Jim Adney     jadney@vwtype3.org
    Madison WI USA

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