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Re: [T3] accel. cable

Sonny8oy@aol.com wrote:

> > What's this?
> A fly-by-wire (FBW) throttle basically uses electronics to modulate the
> opening of the throttle based upon the position of the accelerator pedal.

Aha, just what the modern TDI engined VWs use.

> > and most important will it have any benefit on our cars,
> > especially the dark ones I presume.
> I don't think so, unless you were to couple it with other gadgetry (see
> below). It would save you having to replace throttle cables, though........
> http://www.autospeed.com describing the new Selespeed gearbox available on
> the Alfa Romeo 156 (which has further features besides simply the FBW
> throttle):

Also the mileage wonder, the VW Lupo 3L TDI has a tranny that works by these

I agree, it would be hard to encorporate this into the type3. It would be cool,

73 Variant L

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