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Re: [T3] Tell-tale oil drips

> > [Tell-tale oil drip spots on either side of your driveway?]
w›3a slight leak from the left valve cover.  It is on sqaure and has
> a new cork gasket.  Should I seal it with Permatex/aviation cement or
> get a rubber gasket set for the covers?  The right side leaks ever so
> slightly, but the left leaves a noticeable drip when I park.  I can see
> that the oil is running down the outside of the heat exchanger.

There are four things I can think of that cause valve covers to leak.

1. Poor spring tension on retainer bail - Rebend to proper shape or find a
better one for 50cents at a swap meet.
2. Malformed gasket - I've never had a problem with the cork ones, but some
fit better than others. Put it in the cover and make sure it has a full fit
around the edges.
3. Sagging gasket - This sometimes happens on the top part. Cement can be
your friend, but a hassle. Try to score a set of the improved valve covers
that have an extra dimple below the top sealing edge to hold the middle of
the gasket from sagging.
4. Bent valve cover - Throw it out, you can find perfect ones for a buck at
swap meets.
5. Malformed valve cover - Aftermarket junk (usually chrome) that deserves a
slow death from oxidation in the landfill (over in that other state that
doesn't have as much political clout).

Nathan Jacobsen
'62 NB
'69 SB M/T

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