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Re: [T3] Calipers

jim writes:

> Rotate the pistons and make them right!

i can't. it's too hard. they only need turned a little (one by about 5 deg., 
the other maybe 20 deg.), but i can't find anything that will do it. last 
time i tried i screwdrivered my finger. i thought i recalled keith saying a 
year or so back that he had a tool designed to rotate the piston, so i asked 
a vw mechanic of 35 years i know if he had had such a thing and he hadn't 
heard of it. 
>  > this should make them more efficient though, because of the increased 
>  > pad-to-disc contact area, shouldn't it? :-)
>  Sorry, no matter how I try to redefine "efficiency" I can't seem to 
>  make this work out in your favour.

normal pad contact area:
|                                    |

my super-efficient increased pad contact area:

|__________________|   (my ascii drawing isn't up to it, but imagine a line 	
								between the 2 
open ends: this line is longer than the horizontal line in the first picture, 
thus the surface area of the pad is greater :-)


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