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Re: [T3] Fwd: VWCC - It's baaack!


	I enjoyed the first issue, but felt that the quality slid rapidly
downhill after that.

	Did it seem to anyone else that it started to read like an
extended ad for Mofoco?

	Also, there were glaring Type III errors... such as "Joe Custom
slammed the front of his Squareback seven inches by installing an
adjustable front end."  Yeah right -- musta been lots mods trying to get
the Type I front end in there.

	The Type III errors are things that I'm accustomed to, but the
rapid decline in content and the obvious blind endorsement of Mofoco
really annoyed me.  ("We built the hot test mill with Mofoco pistons,
which were a piece of crap, so the wonderful folks at Mofoco gave us
another set.  Ain't they great?" <---sarcasm )

	I do welcome some competition in the VW magazine arena, as it
should only improve thins.  (Right?)

Opinions opinions,
-Greg :)

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