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ôª, RE: [T3] electric
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 09:35:06 -0700
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Sounds like a short/misconnection in the ignition switch.  Might wanna
inspect that.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vdub66@aol.com [mailto:Vdub66@aol.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 7:03 AM
> To: type3@vwtype3.org
> Subject: [T3] electric
> hello, 
> This morning i was leaving for school and i tried to start up 
> my 66 square as
> usual and it would not turn over...i am not a mechanic or 
> anything so i didn't
> know what to do. So i did what any teenager would do..i 
> punched the steering
> wheel and boom it started up. I didn't want to drive to 
> school though because
> i thought it might not start again. So i drove around the 
> neighborhood for 5
> minutes or so and then went back home. I stoped it and 10 
> minutes later tried
> to start it again and it started fine. ( still didn't drive 
> to school ) When i
> got home i tried to start it....same thing...so i pounched 
> the steering wheel
> and it started..I have no clue why it  will not start up...my 
> guess is it is
> something electric or something because when i punch it it 
> starts...could it
> be moving wires or something under the dash?
> 					Joe
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