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Re: [T3] wiper question(s)

On 21 Dec 99, at 21:49, Michael Geurink wrote:

> Dave's assessment seems to match my problem.  Not to disagree with Jim
> without solid empirical evidence I will fire up the kerosene heater in my
> dad's garage, wait a couple hours until the temp goes above 25F & look at
> both options.  I could snag some 71 arms off my Square, but that seems like
> cheating.  And if these are original T34 arms (are they any different than
> any other T3 arms?) I'm a bit hesitant to use the "blue-tip wrench" for

Yeah, heating and bending is the last thing you should be thinking 
about doing now.

Think about this:

The motor just goes around and around, continuously and at a constant 

The linkage changes that motion into a reciprocating motion that 
gives some number of degrees of motion. If the amount of degrees 
gives you the right pattern for your car then this much is fine.

If the swept pattern on your windshield is correct but the blades 
park in the wrong place, then the problem is NOT that the pattern is 
wrong, or that the blades are wrong, or that the arms are wrong. It's 
just that the pattern gets stopped at the wrong point.

So.... What determines where it stops? It's the parking switch in the 
gearbox. If you want it to stop at a different place you just need to 
rotate the actuating arm (that's the arm that goes round and round  
and that fits on the gearbox output shaft. That arm is in a certain 
position when the wipers are at that position on the windshield where 
you would like them to park. So if you loosen that arm on the gearbox 
output shaft and rotate it so that the wipers are in the parking 
position when the gearbox parks then you get everything that you're 
interested in to happen at the same time.

It's really simple, but you may have to do it and see it for yourself 
before you understand (and believe) it.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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