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On 28 Apr 99, at 8:13, James MacNaughton wrote: > Have you tested the advance with a timing light? > > <<<OK, I'm dumb. How is this accomplished? One can actually > measure mechanical advance with a timing light? -- as the vacuum is > disconnected to set the timing... Set the timing, then with the engine still running, connect another piece of hose to the vacuum can on the dist and suck on it. If the vac advance is working the engine will speed up and if you watch the timing marks with the timing light while doing this, you will see the marks advance. This checks the vac advance. Now, with the hose still disconnected, direct the timing light at the timing marks and give the engine some throttle. If the mech adv is working you should see the timing marks advance as the engine speeds up. Then with the engine still running, reconnect the vacuum hose. The first thing you will notice is that the timing at idle doesn't change (on FI cars), thus the insistence on removing the vacuum hose is pointless, in this case. Jim - ******************************* Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org Madison, WisË‚‡ USA ******************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe? mailto:type3-request@vwtype3.org, Subject: unsubscribe