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RE: What's that noise?

On 6 Oct 98, at 8:54, Erkson, Toby wrote:

> the ground!  I quickly stopped and, what do you know?, the studs stripped
> out of my drum!

The threads are in the hub, not the drum.  The only time I have seen 
stripped threads was on a car where the drum had been replaced with a 
Brazilian drum that had a much thicker web where the bolt passed 
through.  This meant that there was less engagement of the bolt in 
the hub than intended.

An OE drum has about a 1/8" web at the hub, so the surface of the 
drum blends smoothly onto the hub.  If you have a big step there then 
this is part of your problem.  You should also be aware that the 
torque spec for these bolts (4-bolt wheels) is 92 lb-ft.  Tire shops 
can easily double this with an air wrench, and it is easy to go to 
150 by hand with a good breaker bar.

I probably have a couple of good used T3 hubs here if you can't find 
any locally.  Don't bother with new, too expensive and probably NLA.


Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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