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Re: Suspension noise

Assaf=> I have a sqeekin noise from my left front suspension.I grease 
     => the nipels but I still got the noise. 

I can't tell you what it is, but I'll try to help you find it. First, 
are you sure you greased *all* the grease points? There are two in 
particular that are easily missed, on the front of the upper tube near 
the ends, under the rubber that wraps around the beam. They are reached 
through holes in the rubber that can get misaligned. These two are used 
to lubricate the anti-sway bar.

=> You can hear the noise when you press down the front left fender. 

Okay, try this: Loosen the left front lug nuts. Jack up that wheel on a 
flat concrete surface so the tire is just off the ground. Put a 
jackstand under the lower shock mount, take the wheel off, and push down 
on the fender. Still hear it? If not, jack up the other side the same 
way. Hear it now? Make sure your jackstand is really solid, then put 
your head inside the wheel well. Have your friend push down (carefully! 
don't lose your head!) on the fender while you listen. You should be 
able to get a rough idea where it's coming from, and you may be able to 
feel the vibration in a specific part. 

Steven Ayres, Prescott AZ
'66 KGhia 1600 (fired up for the first time on Thursday!)

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