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Re: fender liners, front

Not for T-3's
	But a friend vacu-formed some partial fender liners for a Datsun
roadster.  The tricky part was making sure there were no rust traps
created where the inner fender attached to the outer- I think he ended
up  leaving the lower back seam mostly free to let water escape... I
have no idea how he attached it at the fender lip!
	It's a great idea, but would take some design work to avoid creating a
worse rust trap...
Toby B

scott a keck wrote:
> Has anybody ever tried to fit front fender liners to their T3's like new
> cars have?  Perhaps this could help keep down on headlight bucket rust,
> water leaks down antenna cables ect...  Might not be a bad idea on the
> back either...
> Just a thought... just 36(?) years late...
> Scott
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