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Re: Dash Pad Replacements - 2 reviews

Hi Allen (and all),

The dash from So Cal is a full dash, just like the original.  I was comparing
the grain of the dash with that of the original VW grab handle and its pretty
much exact.  This dash completely replaces the old dash, and is not just a dash
cover like the RMMW model.  The So Cal dash doesn't have a metal grille...just a
grill patterned into the dash material.  The RMMW dash cover didn't have any of
this (preferable to me).  Of course I'll be installing the So Cal dash...BTW,
when I ordered it I did so just from their ad in VW Trends...you don't really
need to waste the time ordering their catalog first.

I'll let everyone know how it goes when I finish diagnosing my leak...looks like
the fresh air intake boxes must have a decent amount of crap in there because I
keep clearing it out, the boxes keep overflowing, I drain and clean out the new
blockage, etc.  I'll probably just remove and clean the passenger side one, but
the driver's side one is pretty much burried under all the wires and stuff...any


From: type3@vwtype3.org AT AMS-Internet on 05/08/98 10:06 AM

To:   type3@vwtype3.org AT AMS-Internet@CCMAIL
cc:   concept@compassnet.com AT AMS-Internet@CCMAIL (bcc: Douglas
Subject:  Re: Dash Pad Replacements - 2 reviews

Dear Doug:

  Thanks for the review of the dashpads.  It is most certainly appreciated!

  The one from So Cal imports is a foam cover(?), (it goes over the old one?)
or do you take
  the old one out and put this one on?  And you have a metal grille where the
little holes
  for the radio speaker goes? I especially liked the part where it covers all
  areas that the original did.  I guess I could live with that if it the same
color as the dash.
  But if it looks good, I will be most happy!

  I don't have a So Cal import catalog.  But this sounds like the way to go.

  Allen Moore
  70' Squareback

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