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Re: Window seals and replacement rubber in general

Hi James (and the rest of you)

> I recently picked up a '68 Notchback that's in good shape overall, but it
> still has the (very faded) original paint and the original rubber (now
> cracked, brittle and barely alive). Any recommendations for the best place
> to get a complete new rubber set? I know WCM is the main source for such
> stuff, but often there are places offering good discounts over WCM's list
> prices.... 
> Thanks for any insights,
> James Kramer
> Brisbane, Australia

An Australian source is the Australian VW Performance Centre in 
Melbourne - phone 03 9761 4540.  As far as I know it's the WCM stuff 
they stock, and I'd be interested to know how their prices compare 
with those of WCM when you add shipping etc.  

Others on this list have recommended Type 3 Detectives (in the UK) 
for various parts, but I'm not sure if they stock rubber.  

My '70 notch could also use new rubber, so I'd love to hear what you 
find out.

Ross (in Melbourne)

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