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hello ! 
can any help me to 
Re-assemble according to instructions
for the carbs.  I have a variant(squareback)
 67 with 2 carburetors

                   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
                   :::##########################: :
                   :::          _______        :: :
                   :::/        ////////|      \:: :
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                   :::        :::__/|          :: :
                   :::        :::::/           :: :
                   :::        ::: |            :: :
                   :::        ::: |            :: :
                   :::        :::/             :: :

                                              /\/      /\ /\ |
     ********************                       / ||   O   O |
     *  HINCHA OFICIAL  *                         C||     o  |
     *   DEL AMERICA    *                           \   \_/ /
     *     DE CALI      *                          /  \ __/
     ********************                       - \     

                                           Fernando lopez Perez
                                           external support

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