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Re: MPG survey

>From: Jay Parnell <jay.parnell@gecm.com>

>Well Toby, you think you got problems!?
>I am getting about 12mpg around town, and about 17 on the 
>motorway.. and I am running an injection system! 
>I do think there is something wrong somewhere though, as it 
>seems to be running very rich...
>I put my hand in front of the exhaust pipe last night, and 
>just ticking over made my hand *stink* of petrol, and I had 
>black stuff from the engine all over it 

Yes, you have problems.  Check the system voltage and the vacuum advance (as 
well as for puddles on the ground.)

       Melissa Kepner                                    Jim Adney
       jadney@vwtype3.org               jradney@njackn.com
                             Laura Kepner-Adney
                             Madison, Wisconsin

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