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Re: hand signal

On Thu, 8 May 1997, Edward R Donnen wrote:

>What's the hand signal for honking my horn?

I think you have to scream.

It reminds me.  I'm pretty mad at the folks
at Piston & Plug in Mesquite Texas.

That shop usually comes very highly recommended,
but, I took my '66 type 3 there with a broken
horn, and they "fixed" it by putting a !@#$% 
aux horn button in the dash.  So what's done
is done, but they do not seem to understand that
I now consider them ruthless SOB's instead of 
a superior VW shop as they are made out to be.

I'faith, they do excellent work, but, I think they
should've known that was not what I wanted.

So I don't mean to get on and gripe about Piston & Plug, 
but, so many people recommend this shop that I feel it's
my duty.

g-r-a-t-e-f-u-l-l-y---[   email:<fishbowl@conservatory.com>   ]---l-i-v-i-n-g
d-e-a-d-i-c-a-t-e-d---[     http://www.conservatory.com/      ]-----l-i-g-h-t
Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.

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