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Re: Mystery Stall..(Cheap Valves?)

Could be the gas you're running -- I've learned that shopping around for the 
cheapest is usually what you'll get.  Octane isn't really as it's marked and 
water/particles in the fuel can choke the filter.  I know from my own experience
that water in the system will cause the car to die suddenly, only to just as 
suddenly restart (very baffling and scary situation on the highway).

Do like Keith said and make sure every electrical contact you can see is shiny, 
this includes the fuse holders (be very careful you don't cause a short in 
here!).  If the problem persists then replace the fuel filter and put quality 
fuel in your tank AND dump a bottle of gas drier like STP or Chevron.  This 
stuff will attach to the water molecules and help pass the water through the 
fuel system without the sudden losses of combustion as well as help clean the 
injectors, tank and fuel lines (carburetor jets get cleaned as well for those 
who use 'em).
     Toby Erkson
     '72 VW Squareback 1.6L bored and stroked to 2.0L
     '75 Porsche 914 1.8L for sale
     Portland, Oregon, USA

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