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Warning: NEW virus.

Hey Everyone,

Have you heard about the new Computer virus that you can catch through
the internet?

It's called the "Electrohypadorkus" computer virus that many of the
computer programmers have nicknamed "Diputs". It REALLY IS transfered
through the email and chat rooms!  There is no certain heading in the
"Subject" box, this is why it is so dangerous!  

The government is trying to keep it under wraps because it is
potentially dangerous enough to WIPE OUT THE WEB ALLTOGETHER! All
computers hooked to the net could be irriversibly destroyed. Only those
computers not connected, nor ever con ected to the internet, will be

Theory has it that an actual Human virus, formed in a human with
pneumonia, mutaated and was transmitted to the internet as the unknowing
Human comunicated in a chat room on AOL.  The virus reproduced itself
and infected all of the chatter's computers in that chat room. All 23
chatter's computers were completely distroyed. Hard Drives were
reprogrammed, virus duplicated, then transmitted back to AOL for
distribution.  AOL, unknowing of the infextation, distributed the virus
to unknown thousannds of comp ters in the chat areas.  

AOL finally discovered the virus after thousands of customer complaints
demanding retributio  for their damamnged computers.  AOL located and
distroy oyed the virus in their computers.  

But, many computers have been infected, still transmit ing the disease
through email.  Evide*$ly the virus has learned to reprogrammmm itself!
It has learned to use other avenues to propogate itself self!

One story reports that someone (not owning a computer) used a friend's
computer (that was unknowingly infected with the Diputs Virus) to gain
information off #*@ internet about how to repair his fuel injection
computer on his Volkswagen Variant.  Evidently, while printing the
instructions, the virus transfered to the printed paper.  AAAAAAnd while
repairing the car, the virus transfered to the car's computer by way of
the owner's hands on the paper and then on the computer casing!  

A REmutating, self-reprograming Virus!

This is a serious threat!  Anyone reading this note needsss# to call
their congressman demannnnnding that they call attention to this world
wide thrrr eat!

If you are an AOL customer*#&, have used the chat #&^ rooms, have used
the email, or even if ¬°* you have recieved email from an AOL
customer®¨¥´®“*, your hard drive may already *ø®´ˆ***øˆ¨¨¨¨ˆ*µ have been
infected.  The symptoms ¨''''''''' usually do not show up *•¢ºª untiºº£•
the last stages of ™¶•§§ virus. By then what @@28739""'' usually h@ppens
is a slight, but usually aND#8§*¢ unnoticed altering of data. Then
progressesssssSSs$*Þ§ý°*0))7§þ into actuallll&^%þª¶§°ðª data erasure. 
Eventua ly, ((*the ha&^rd drive cannot $*ð°·°‚recognize typ&°ical
bi'nary pro¥Ýgramˆ´Ïming and""""'''oooOø eventually cannot
OORJJÔØ*··þþÞ‚‚‚··perform simple )$@#Þð**˜ disk queries **÷=˜**˜ñ and
forgets how¯i*ÇÔÏ to !!opperate. ææææ""""'''og

To avoid thissssss**===çß*=å meltdown,own,own,own, disconnectxeE your
computersæ``«¡º– from the web'"º•**=*ß= NOW!
˜÷*…ø*=*˜**••¢ª¬æåßæß*“¡˜¡ø`ªç“*ø *´™ªº¨*ƒ**ºªœ*¨…ƒ¬“™…

Big "*=*˜ß¨ˆ´*ƒ" Al

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