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June Bug Jamboree Feedback

>Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 21:50:27 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Bob Hufford <bhufford@mail.orion.org>
>X-Sender: bhufford@orionc0
>cc: Air-Cooled Volkswagen Discussion List <VINTAGVW@SJSUVM1.SJSU.EDU>,
>        vanagon <vanagon@lenti.med.umn.edu>, Type3 List <type-3@umich.edu>
>Subject: June Bug Jamboree Feedback
>I need some feedback from anyone who attended the June Bug Jamboree in
>Springfield, Missouri this past Saturday.

ARGH, please don't rub it in.  :(  My roadtrip buddy backed out on me in
the last minute, and I wasn't able to attend....

Is there a grand list of scheduled VW shows?  There's gotta be something
better than word-of-mouth...


Shannon Darosett, St. Louis, MO USA
'70 Fastback (R.I.P. death by rust)
'73 Fastback (wounded)

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