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Re: [T3] t: Re: Thermostat/Oil Cooler (long... but maybe useful...)

Hey Dan- 

> whoa whoa WHOA !!! Here dude......... 
> if and IF !! you're talking about moi..........yes..velvet green 
> notchback...2.3l type4 motor......tin also painted velvet green......top of 
> case polished........you are mistaken  sir......I have a type4 wagon boot 
> connected to the stock type3 rubber bellows that connect to the stock sheet 
> metal at the rear of the car and DI-rectly from the body air passages.......I 
> also run the stock type4 thermostat...... 

No, I wasn't talking about you... I was... talking about... er... um... your 
car.  Yah, that's it! 

> Now...if this wasn't me you were talking about...well...sorry for the 
> outburst. ( Shad - we met last year at Auburn....'emember ?) 

Indeed I do!  I saw you just after you got the thing together - you said it had 
about 200 break-in miles on it and that's about it.  I could have sworn that at 
that time I didn't see the boot... was it not yet installed or am I mistaken?  
If so, my apologies... d'oh! 

BTW, remember the groovy 2.0 w/ A/C I had in my Ghia?  It's coming out soon... 
and will go back to pancake for my new fasty (which will also get a thermostat 
- without it I kill the oil!).  In is going an upright 101.6x80 2594cc grossly 
over-engineered and over-built T4 :-).  I should get close to a conservative 

Now, if I can just get either of these to look half as pretty as yours!  My 
engines are never exactly ugly, but I can't keep them clean!  After one 
cross-country trip it's dirty again.  True, the dirt roads to campgrounds and 
the 19mi dirt road up and down Pikes Peak don't help much, but it's fun. 

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