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<x-flowed>>Hi Jim
Maybe you should post a photo of the opening. Any significant air leak there is
a big problem. That's the pressurized side of things and you need all the
cooling air to go thru the head and cylinder fins. Air that just escapes is
lost cooling.
-- ******************************* Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org Madison, Wisconsin, USA *******************************
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-- David Sanderson (604) 822 - 4361 or (604) 255 - 4935 voice (604) 822 - 6842 fax porschedave@rennlist.net 1977 911S 3.0 L 1965 Sunroof Notch 1966 Notch http://members.rennlist.com/porschedave/ http://www3.telus.net/SUDAMA